
Welcome Olivera!

With these words, Bitola and fellow citizens greeted the winner of the Olympic gold medal and a new world record at the Paraolympic Games in London this year, Olivera Nakovska-Bikova. With this tremendous success,  she is now part of the list of famous citizens of Bitola. She opened new paths to new hopes that seem to have waited for this bright beam from the Olympian heights. Hard work, many sleepless nights, great determination,  irreversible desire and willingness brought her to the pedestal of winners. At the airport "Alexander the Great" in Skopje, she was welcomed by fellow citizens headed by the Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola, MA Vladimir Taleski and three ministers from the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the day when our country celebrated 21 years of independence, 8th of September. The magnificent reception continued in the center of Skopje, and then the festive celebration in the arena "Philip II" where the audience was entertained by stars from the Macedonian scene led by Garo and Tavitjan brothers, as well as other music artists from all over the Balkans.
In Bitola, the welcoming began with a reception at the Mayor’s office, where the full paraolympic team was present (Branimir, Vancho, Dragan and Olivera, and from Bitola: Nico, Vasko and certainly Zlatko). Interviews were given for the media, discussing  all phases of these magnificent events. Mayor on its own and on behalf of local government, congratulated the success of the whole team, wished them further success on and gave appropriate gifts to all of the guests and gave a picture of St.. Nektarios of Bitola to Olivera. The media were satisfied with the given interviews. In his speech, the Mayor once again expressed his support for the program goals of Mobility Bitola and announced that the Municipality will build a shooting range under all parameters that are required for an Olympic shooting range. In addition, he mentioned that the Municipality have organized an official reception with entertainment program including famous local musicians later in the evening.
At 8 pm, the celebration began in the square Magnolia and it was attended by media from all over the country. About a hundred members of Mobility Bitola and even larger number of fellow citizens were present holding banners with Macedonian sun and back of the Bitola Municipality. After the performance of Lambe, the Mayor addressed the audience, then Olivera, the president of Mobility Bitola and  the president of Sports and Entertainment for Persons with Disabilities also expressed their gratitude for the given support. Afterwards, the music bands Parketi and Pumpers continued to entertain the audience with their songs.