
Mobility Bitola on the music festival of persons with physical disabilities in Pomorje , Republic of Bulgaria

Between 20-27.08.2013, our member Sotir Jonovski actively participated in the eighth edition of the aforementioned festival organized by the Foundation "Strength for Life". Jonovski have already participated in this traditional event was four times along with Nikolco Delov, who is participating eight years (from the start), Sevdet from Kavadarci and Zorica Gocevska from Skopje, both present on this scene 3-5 years. The hosts of this event provide full accommodation for all the participants, leaving them only the travel expenses (Pomorje is 1000 km from here). But despite the great distances and long travel, Sotir and his friends gladly participated in this festival, achieving impressive results each year and their experience is valuable .
This festival gave us ideas for new ways of organizing the upcoming meetings in our music. Innovations often difficult to find their way, but as highlights Sotir, the quality must prevail, saying this time the weather was inclined, and that is crucial for the musician to have better quality performance after being well rested. The performances were judged by top professionals and there was no room for hard feelings, and the " Gang of Nicki" represented our republic in best possible way.
Overall, a pleasant and memorable event, great experience acquiring new friendships and enriching the ability for music, and invited next year, Sotir would gladly participate in another well organized event.