
Mobility Bitola on Quiz and Cake Competition in Strumica

On October 20 and 21, in Strumica, the traditional manifestations of the Republic Quiz Competition were held in the full organization of "Mobility Macedonia" and the Cake Competition organized by "Mobility Strumica", under the auspices of "Mobility Macedonia". These manifestations have been held together for many years. This year, after holding quiz matches in all associations in one term with questions from "Mobility Macedonia", qualified members with established teams crossed their knowledge and skills on the main event. In the well-organized and technically prepared quiz, the team of "Mobility Kocani" was the most successful (for the third time in a row), the second place went to the Kumanovo team and the third to Shtip. We congratulate the winners, as well as the team that prepares the quiz. Unfortunately, the team of "Mobility Bitola" was eliminated in the first round and we hope that next year will have more success. Meanwhile, the teams for the Cake Competition were eagerly preparing their cakes. Every creation held a proper message and, of course, a delicious bite at the end. The manifestation itself had a traditionally good course, and the most successful were the teams of "Mobility Tetovo", "Mobility Kochani" and "Mobility Veles". "Mobility Bitola" had a remarkable creation with the message: "The choice is ours!", and although it did not win any award, judging by the reactions of our members from "Mobility Macedonia" on Facebook, our creation is one of the favorites, which is usual in the last few years. The final of the Cake Competition was traditionally visited by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who in the past 15 years, both as a citizen and as mayor and now as prime minister, finds time to support this manifestation and to express his readiness to undertake all measures for greater involvement of persons with disabilities. Besides him, there was also the mayor of the Municipality of Strumica - Kosta Janevski, other guests and helpers, as well as numerous representatives of the media. All in all, another great occasion for socializing and pleasant moments that enrich the lives of the members of "Mobility Macedonia", contributing to the development of creative opportunities and increasing the capacity of all associations.