
Assembly of "Mobility Bitola"

After the successfully completed election process in Bitola, Demir Hisar and Resen on 5, 6 and 7 February 2019, as well as the MB on February 8, all preconditions for convening an election assembly of "Mobility Bitola" were fulfilled. All 27 delegates in the assembly are known, the materials are reviewed and checked by the supervisory and management board and recommended for adoption. Thus, on February 17, 2019, at the premises of the restaurant "Korzo", starting from 11 am, the regular reporting meeting started in the presence of 25 new and 2 old delegates from the previous composition. First, the supervisory board, in the presence of the accountant, reviewed, approved and signed the reports on the financial operations, and the assembly was currently reviewing and adopting the work report, and immediately after the adoption of the financial report, the final account was adopted, which, was very positive. All good practices in the management of the headset have been confirmed. Then the working presidency of the three oldest members proposed the verification commission, as well as the nomination committee. The same after a brief bargaining was proposed by the old-new president, who was re-elected by acclamation of this post. With the election of the President, the first part of the Assembly was completed and the election of a Management Board of seven members was made, which was chosen on the President's proposal and it was done with one change from the old composition. Following the election of the Management Board, the nomination and selection of members of the Supervisory Board started and two members from the old composition and one new one were elected here. Then, the disciplinary commission in the early composition was voted out, thus practically completing the election of all the bodies appointed by the Assembly. Next on the agenda was consideration and suggestion of delegates in the Assembly of "Mobility Macedonia". Four delegates elected by discussion and democratic voting, three of them from the former, and one new. After the selection of the delegates in "Mobility Macedonia", the next item on the agenda was discussed - consideration and adoption of the program and the financial plan for the current 2019 year. The program was adopted with minor additions, saying that it was and will always be open to new ideas and challenges. With that, the Assembly finished its work in a solemn and productive atmosphere, with the readiness to fulfill the statutory program goals of "Mobility Bitola" and "Mobility Macedonia".