
Let’s act together!

These words were the motto of the Sixth International Conference on the Status and Rights of Persons with Disabilities, organized by the Coalition strategy for equal opportunities and rights for people with disabilities from the Unsko-Sanski Canton. It is supported by the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the European Union. Also, despite numerous cantonal associations, there were many cantonal and federal delegations from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, as well as from Germany, that is the German Red Cross.
The manifestation was held in the hall of the hotel "Golden Valley", and delegations were housed in the same hotel and another nearby hotel "Sanos" in Sanski Most. Activities lasted 2 days (14-15.11.2012), in three batches with coffee breaks, lunch and dinner in the presence of about 240 people. The Conference welcomed and led Mr. Enes Alibegovic. Opening statement was the President of the Coordinating Board Mr. Yusmir Alibabic.
Seven topics were presented during the first day, each followed by discussion and appropriate conclusions. The first topic was the “International Convention - Ratification, implementation and monitoring, presented by the political scientist Mr. Suvad Zahirovic. The second theme“Services support people with disabilities, was presented by Mrs. Marina Vujacic of Montenegro (Association of Persons with Disabilities, Montenegro). The third presentation was held by a representative of the German Red Cross, Mr. Werner Borchert and the topic was “How many laws affecting the integration of persons with disabilities. The fourth topic was introduced by an expert consultant in the Pedagogical Institute "Brchko District," Mr. Fehim Halilovic, and the theme was “Practice inclusive education of children with disabilities in BiH”. The fifth theme was “Participation of youth with disabilities in various social segments”  introduced by Mr. Milan Jankovic, president of the Association of handicapped students from the Republic of Serbia. Sixth presentation was entitled “USK Action Plan within the Strategy for equal rights and opportunities of people with disabilities with the support of the Federal Ministry for Social Work and Policy”, and was presented by Mr. Harris Haveric and representatives of the coalition. And the final seventh theme for this day was “The role and importance of civil society in the integration of persons with disabilities”, presented by the President of the Croatian Association for Persons with Disabilities "Ladybug", Mr. Tomislav Velic.
The second day continued with the presentation of yet another seven themes, the first of which was “The employment of persons with disabilities and vocational rehabilitation”, presented by the CEO of the association "Lotosici" from Tuzla, Mrs. Enisa Bratanovic. Then, the second issue were “The experiences of the association "Lebenshilfe"” presented by Mrs. Diana Duric. “Experience of the application of the Act and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Fund in the Republic of Srpska” was the third topic of this day, presented by a representative from the Fund of the Republic of Srpska, Mr. Zoran Tepic. The fourth topic was “Rehabilitation of paraplegics and quadriplegics an example of good practice” presented by the administrator Mrs. Barbara Slachek from Slovenia. Fifth theme was presenting “The experiences of the stages in the adoption of a national strategy to improve the rights and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities in Macedonia”, presented by Mr. Branimir Jovanovski, president of Mobility Macedonia and the National Coordinating Body. Penultimate topic of this conference was “The field of education at all levels in the Republic Serbia”, represented by Mr Milosh Jankovic. And the last presentation was on “Archery for blind as a Paralympic sport” presented by the President of the archery club "Golden Arrow" from Parachin, Mr. Miroljub Vukic and Mr. Daniel Miletic.
The presenters of all the topics were well prepared and were able to share information in detail about the subject of presentations. The discussions were rich and at times filled with emotions. All the people present were forming conclusions, consistent with the survey papers indicating that the organizer thoroughly prepared for this responsible work. My impressions are that the conference itself fully justified the expectations of the organizers. Had introductions, exchange of experiences and building solid relationships for future cooperation. Obtaining valuable information on the modes of action and achieving goals - specific, and future, in the spirit of universal boot capacity of disability organizations. Knowing that the delegation of Mobility Macedonia is on the right path to reasonable legal system, gradually establishing and monitoring the practical application of the Convention, opens perspectives.
We are not afraid from the intensity of the labor of future hard work in this area. We hope that such productive conferences will continue. Our activities follow.

                                                                                                       President of MOBILITY BITOLA
                                                                                                                      prim. Dr. Nico Jankov