
Mobility Bitola мarks Orthodox New Year - Vassilitza

The members of Mobility Bitola traditionally celebrated Vassilitza or Orthodox New Year. The event is usually scheduled a few days earlier and this year took place on 11 January at the restaurant " Be-Ni Fountain - Kotle ". About 30 members had moments of pleasant relaxation and socializing. The hosts as always offered their best services and prices, and we wish them a happy New Year and Christmas holidays and we hope they will continue with this template. The evening was spent in a pleasant atmosphere with soft music and the satisfied guests had the opportunity to socialize and discuss about new activities .
Last year's winners Olgica and Bojche "betrayed the relay" to the old- new winner Greg Shtifter, so the couple Greg and Zore will host next year. A pleasant atmosphere followed us until the late hours when some of the guests continued elsewhere, and others happy and relaxed went back into their homes .
These traditions are one of the pillars of friendship and achievement of program objectives and statutory of Mobility Bitola, strengthen mutual relations, emphasizing the exchange of opinions and ideas for raising capacities. We hope that the new 2014 will be happy and prosperous and that we can accomplish most of our plans and ideas. Mobility Bitola once again wishes a Happy New Year to all members and their families with hope for health, happiness and success!