
international conference in Sveti Nikole

On June 21st, 2016, the Slavic University in Sveti Nikole organizedand successfully performed an international conference titled "Gender equality and non-discrimination." Instruments of the International Labour Organisation are the Convention on Discrimination (Employment and Work) (no. 111) and the Convention on equal pay for work of equal value (no. 100). Persons with disabilities collide with reality in many areas and the promotion of equality is a really tough challenge. The road to success is often bumpy and grueling, but it has to be done.
As an active member, LESC Bitola sent three representatives andtwo of them, FancheGeorgievska and SotirJonovski, were from "Mobility Bitola”, and the third one was Blagojce Kotevski, adviser in the municipality of Bitola. Moderators of the event, which took place in three sessions, were Silke Shtreinhilber, a specialist in labor and gender equality from ILO, Budapest and Nikica Mojsovska – Blazevska, national expert from Macedonia.
With these activities we continuеto raise the capacities of disability organizations and  topromote the practices of non-discrimination and equality. "Mobility Bitola" will continue use all availablefacilities to achieve the statutory goals.