
Memorandum of Cooperation with Zhar Prespa

On January 30, 2020, a delegation from Mobility Bitola composed by President Dr. Niko Jankov, the Secretary Mitko Fidanovski and the members of the Managing Board Lidija Veljanovska, Sotir Jonovski and Robert Lamanovski, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the organization "Zhar Prespa", represented by President Darinka Veslievska and Secretary Sotir Chaushevski. The event took place in the premises of Mobility Bitola’s office in Resen. "Zhar Prespa" is an organization for the cultural uplifting and support of people with disabilities, who together with other children and persons will participate in the creation of life through cultural events where everyone will be involved. Mobility Bitola as a disability organization provides wholehearted support to such cooperation and active involvement of people with disabilities in cultural processes that will contribute to the inclusion and improvement of life in general.