On November 25, 2022, in the small hall of the NI Institute and Museum - Bitola, the multi-sensory exhibition entitled "Museum for all" was held, under the motto "Pictures can be touched, pictures speak", where 16 objects from the permanent exhibition of the Bitola museum from each period of Dr. Irena Ružin and MA Jove Pargovski. The exhibition was attended by a large number of visitors, including the Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola Toni Konjanovski, the children from the Institute for the Rehabilitation of Children with Hearing and Speech Impairment "Kocho Racin" – Bitola, as well as the president of Mobility Bitola, prim. Dr. Niko Jankov and the manager of the "Alter Trip" project, Ivona Jankova. The authors of the exhibition are engaged as experts in our project as well. Dr. Ruzhin prepared the field study on the current situation with accessibility in tourist facilities and localities in the Pelagonia region, and Mr. Pargovski is working on the tourist signage that will be placed in front of 10 significant cultural-historical monuments in Bitola, the promotion of which is scheduled for December 2 at the Officers' Home. The representatives of Mobility Bitola used the opportunity to discuss future collaborations to increase accessibility to cultural heritage, but also throughout the city. Activities continue