On February 19, 2023, in the premises of the "Corzo" restaurant in Bitola, the reporting and election assembly of Mobility Bitola was held. All 37 representatives-delegates were duly invited, with all materials promptly sent via e-mail, and 35 attended and signed. The Union's observer - general secretary Sofche Prcheva - also attended the session. The first part – the reporting assembly – passed relatively quickly, with normal retention of the list of the financial report that was adopted with all other acts, including the final account. Then the constitutive assembly began with the establishment of a working presidency, recorder and attestors of the minutes. The chairman informed the delegates that now all bodies will be elected - with prior verification of the mandate by the verification committee, as well as the candidacy committee that will propose a president, supervisory board and disciplinary committee. After verification, the candidacy committee (composed of 3 members from Bitola, Demir Hisar and Resen) made a proposal for the president to be the current one – Prim. Dr. Niko Jankov, and then Nikolche Stanojkovski and Lidija Veljanovska were also proposed. After the candidates proposed their work plans, it was time to vote, where 18 of the 25 present were in favor of the nomination committee's proposal, for prim. Dr. Niko Jankov, 4 were against and 3 abstained. With an absolute majority, Dr. Jankov was re-elected president in a democratic and transparent manner. Immediately after the vote, the president thanked and submitted the proposal for the Board of Directors - Olga Nikolovska, Robert Lamanovski, Fanche Georgievska, Kire Angelkovski, Sotir Jonovski and Biljana Todorovska (18 for, 4 against and 3 abstentions). Then it moved on to the election of 4 delegates in the Assembly of Mobility Macedonia, and the president proposed that they should be: Niko Jankov, Mitko Fidanovski, Sotir Jonovski and Goran Dimchevski. On behalf of Nikolce Stanojovski, it was proposed that Olivera Nakovska Bikova be nominated as a delegate in the Union, and therefore the president proposed individual voting. After the individual voting, 18 voted for Niko Jankov, 17 for Mitko Fidanovski, 14 for Sotir Jonovski, 14 for Goran Dimchevski and 11 for Olivera Nakovska Bikova. With that, the assembly elected as delegates to the assembly of Mobility Macedonia with a four-year term the following candidates: Dr. Niko Jankov, Mitko Fidanovski, Sotir Jonovski and Goran Dimchevski.