On October 6, 2024, under the motto "I move, therefore I exist", Mobility Bitola held the traditional Parade on Shirok Sokak. In beautiful, sunny and warm weather, about fifty members and guests from Kumanovo, Shtip and Kochani gathered at 10 am on the Magnolia Square, where statements were made to the national and local media immediately before the parade. This year's parade motto is inspired by the famous saying of Rene Descartes from 1673 "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I exist), which for us reads "I move, therefore I exist", with steps in the rhythm of the written word, barriers and inaccessibility are bridged / are disappearing. Words fly on the wings of the written word and reach everywhere. For them, there is no barrier, no inaccessibility. This time, the efforts were translated into poetic steps of the written word. It was an introduction to the second part of the event – a poetry reading – which was held in the premises of the restaurant “Korzo”. Here, the participants of the poetry competition of Mobility Bitola and LC “Izgrev” – Demir Hisar premiered their works, and the critics were the members of LC “Izgrev” and the hosts of the event – Kire Ognenovski and Biljana Todorovska. Greeted with loud applause, the awarded authors Zoran Kotevski, Vasilcho Iliev and Miladin Ugrenovic were decorated with symbolic awards – a package of books, which were presented to them by the President, prim. Dr. Niko Jankov. After the end of the poetry part, the attendees continued to enjoy each other’s company in a pleasant atmosphere that lasted until the afternoon. As for all thematic events and activities of Mobility Bitola, this time too a poster and a leaflet were made, reflecting this year’s motto, the work of our long-time collaborator Goran Talevski. The activities continue.