On October 20, 2024, Mobility Bitola organized the traditional excursion, now enriched with a thematic workshop titled "I accept myself as I am", with all my physical disabilities. In the process of planning the activities, we accepted the wish of our active member, His Eminence the Metropolitan of Krushevo and Demir Hisar - Mr. Jovan, to speak on this topic. This provocative topic was chosen because this topic has not been addressed so far, nor has the perspective of people with physical disabilities. With an adapted and accessible bus of our friends from MIG Travel, about thirty members of Mobility Bitola arrived at the Holy Transfiguration monastery complex, which is located about 10 kilometers from Krushevo, at an altitude of more than 1,700 meters above sea level, where they were joined by friends from Mobility Shtip, Mobility Kocani and Mobility Kumanovo. Immediately upon arrival, those present joined the late singer Toshe Proeski's family members at the memorial service on the occasion of 17 years since his untimely departure in 2007. Then, the main event – the thematic meeting – took place in the adapted dormitory, where access ramps were urgently prepared at the entrance and to the toilet. Opening the meeting, the president of Mobility Bitola prim. Dr. Niko Jankov presented Metropolitan Jovan with modest gifts – two licensed copies of early Christian icons from Vinica Kale, thanks to our friends from Mobility Kocani. This was followed by the introductory speech of Metropolitan Jovan on the topic "I accept myself as I am with all my physical shortcomings". The speech was a collage of scientific, non-scientific and theological reflections on disability and its dimension in space and time. There was also a discussion by several members of our associations with personal thoughts and perspectives. After the meeting, all those present were invited to lunch, as guests of Metropolitan Jovan, who greeted them individually and sent them all off with a gift – a cross pendant and a paper copy of an icon. At the very end, there was a group photo session in front of the church, and then a short walk to Gumenje, where the members walked to the Krushevo Lake and the Makedonium, and visited the grave of Toshe and his father, who passed away in May of this year. All in all, this event took place in a pleasant atmosphere from beginning to end, and those present went home with positive impressions and enriched with new experiences and knowledge. The activities continue.