
Managing Board Session of Mobility Bitola in Demir Hisar

Following the statutory and program goals of Mobility Bitola, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Assembly, on September 7, a session of the Managing Board of the association was held in Demir Hisar. The session was held in the library of the House of Culture in Demir Hisar, starting at 11 am. According to the program of this session, all future activities were discussed. Previously, the members of the Board and all members of the Assembly from Demir Hisar were informed about all the activities that took place in the period between the two sessions. Particularly interesting was the discussion about the poetry competition that ended at the end of August, as well as about the modalities of its implementation. Otherwise, proposals were adopted, especially for the event Parade on Shirok Sokak and the traditional picnic. Several conclusions and decisions were made for the coming period. The session ended at 1 pm, and then the members continued to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere.