On September 12, 2024, on the plateau in front of the "Manaki" cinema on Shirok Sokak, the newly formed co-space, or in other words - shared space for collaboration, of the European University Alliance COLORS and the University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola was presented, which this year hosted an exceptionally rare event - the ninth "Forum of Rectors of Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans". The COLORS Alliance allows for a new way to design academic programs, study programs, internships, research, and to redefine the way the academy functions. Cooperation in COLORS implies redefining the Academy with other principles, said Professor Renata Petrovska-Nechkovska, who is responsible for the implementation of the program and activities of the COLORS Alliance at UKLO. The mobile unit will be available in all other cities where faculties and university units are located. In addition to presenting this space at COLORS, within the three-day Rectors' Forum, UKLO organized several events, including a visit to the Tobacco Institute in Prilep, which this year celebrates 100 years of existence, and the Tobacco Museum, which is the second largest in the world, as well as a multimedia theater performance on the occasion of 45 years of formal and legal existence as a University of Faculty Units and Institutes and 90 years of the establishment of the first student association in Macedonia. The Rector of UKLO and a long-time friend of Mobility Bitola, Prof. Dr. Igor Nedelkovski, proud of the successful implementation of all activities within the framework of the Rectors' Forum, stated that all the engagements and efforts and the dedication of all those involved and who participated in the events were worth it. It is particularly important that the University and Bitola presented themselves in the best possible light in front of more than 50 rectors who participated in the Forum. Mobility Bitola has been part of the COLORS project almost from the very beginning, with participation in the workshop "From Networking to Partnership", which was held in June this year and for which our representatives (the president and the project manager of "Alter Trip") received certificates. We hope that in the coming period we will have even more opportunities for joint activities and collaborations under the European umbrella of COLORS. The activities continue.